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My name is Kaitlin, I play clarinet, saxophone, and flute. I am in marching band, concert band, jazz, and pep band. I play clarinet for marching band and concert band, and saxophone for jazz and pep band. I don't play flute for any band things I just play for me. I started learning to play clarinet in sixth grade, I taught myself saxophone when I was a sophomore, and I taught myself flute when I was a junior. I am still in high school, I am a senior this year. my schools marching band is an amazing band. We have gone to state 26 consecutive years going on 27 hopefully, getting a superior rating for the last decade or so. At my school you can join the marching band in 7th grade so this is my sixth year in the marching band.


I have made  video of my marching band at a competition this year, if you would

like to see it here is a link!

About Me!

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